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Madresfield C.E. Primary School

Psalm 119:105 "God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path".

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Working together to improve school attendance


Being in school and having the best attendance possible underpins all the many benefits of school for your child, such as their learning, wellbeing and wider development. For some children, attending school every day will be harder than for others. This is why schools, and local councils in some cases, are committed to working together with families to solve problems and support your child’s school attendance. The Guide for Parents on Attendance covers two areas:

• parents’ responsibilities for school attendance and what you need to do when your child needs to be absent

• how schools and local authorities will work with you to support your child’s attendance.


From 19th August 2024 a new Attendance Policy will come into force when the "Working Together to Improve Attendance" guidance becomes Mandatory for schools.

Guide For Parents on Attendance
