Our Church and Parish
Welcome from YOUR Vicar
Hello, I am The Reverend Gary Crellin. I am the Vicar of two parishes that serve the communities of Powick, Callow End, Guarlford and Madresfield with Newland, here in this lovely part of Worcestershire – over the rivers and in front of the hills. I am reasonably new in post, having started in June 2018 and I am enjoying getting to know the people and places around my parishes.
First and foremost, I am here for all people in these parishes, regardless if you go to a church or not; have a faith or are struggling to believe. I would be most pleased to meet you to discuss anything that my faith and my churches can help you with. It could be a question about christenings, weddings or even handling a bereavement. You might want to pull me up on the Church’s role in society. Or you might want to find out more about Christianity. Of course, it would be good to see you in church, but as a parent of three daughters of recent school age, I know that getting to church on a Sunday morning may not be high on your list of priorities. A shame, but that’s life. But I can do something about it. I will bring church to YOU. In a way…..
My involvement with the three Church of England Schools - Powick, Madresfield and Callow End - will bring me into school, and you and your children into church. You, your child/children are part of a flourishing network of Church of England Schools delivering education and life experience to your children from a distinctive Christian (Anglican) perspective. Therefore, a vicar is going to be useful to have about. I have agreed a number of assemblies and services that will be creative and fun experiences and help you to understand and be part of the Christian values that we are going to experience and develop together, over your life time at the school. You see - I am going to be YOUR vicar for the next six years – if you go to church, or not. Enjoy!
I look forward to meeting you after assemblies, on the school gate , or around and about. Please say hello (I don’t bite). And if I can help you, or your families in any way, here are my contact details:
revgarycrellin@gmail.com Office - 01905 830270 Twitter - @oldhillsparish2
Link to our Morning and End of Day Prayers
The Parish of Guarlford and Madresfield with Newland
Madresfield Primary School is situated in the parish of Guarlford and Madresfield with Newland. Our church of St. Mary the Virgin is directly opposite the school, across a small but quite busy road. Revd. Gary Crellin is our Rector.
Church of St Mary the Virgin Madresfield Village
The present church building is particularly beautiful, designed by Mr. Frederick Preedy and dating from the mid-nineteenth century. The list on the church wall of Rectors goes back to the twelfth century. Only about 117 people live in Madresfield now.
The other Parish Church is about three miles away at Guarlford. That church is also St. Mary the Virgin.
Our parish is part of a United Benefice with the much bigger (in population) parish of Powick where there are churches at Powick and at Callow End.
Message from Revd Gary Crellin:
Palm Sunday begins the most sacred week of the Church year—Holy Week.
During these days, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerful reflection upon the events of Jesus’ Passion and death. You might display a crucifix in a prominent place this week, as reminder of the salvation Christ won for us. The crucifix can also be the focal point for your prayer during Holy Week. Because of the length and complexity of the Passion narrative - read in its entirety as party of the Palm Sunday service- It may be more appropriate to engage with it in “bite sided chunks” each day of Holy Week. Reading it this way will provide ample opportunity for you to ponder the account , to ask questions and respond to the events described there. In this way, the entire week can become a “Way of the Cross.”
The Passion as found in Matthew’s Gospel might be read as follows throughout the week:
Sunday: Matthew 21:1-11 (Gospel at the Procession with Palms for Palm Sunday)
Monday: Matthew 26:14-25
Tuesday: Matthew 26:26-35
Wednesday: Matthew 26:36-56
Thursday: Matthew 26:57—27:14
Friday: Matthew 27:15-54
After reading from the Gospel each night, the family might reflect on the reading together. Conclude your prayer time by praying the Lord’s Prayer
Revd Gary's Hand Prayer