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Madresfield C.E. Primary School

Psalm 119:105 "God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path".

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Hamilton Trust - Learning at Home packs

If you want to continue some Maths and English home learning over the holidays you may want to try the home learning packs produced by Hamilton Trust which are available on their website here

BBC Resources

BBC Teach

BBC Bitesize 

BBC Teach Live Lessons 

BBC History for Kids



20th May 2020 Canal and Rivers Trust

With all school and group visits to their canals and rivers suspended, the Canal and Rivers Trust has moved from a face-to-face learning programme to a digital one and will be sharing activities that encourage children to watch, read, do, play and create as they learn about our canals and rivers from home – bringing the magic of our waterways to you! Click here to access their learning at home resources.

Department for Education support for parents

The Department for Education understand this is a challenging time for parents, many of whom are now supporting their children’s learning at home or may have questions about their children potentially returning to school. They have developed the following guidance and resources for parents to support you at this time:  

  • Q&A which answers key questions parents may have 

Premier League Friday     

The Premier League have started a fun Friday Family Challenge, take a look here!



World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

WWF has launched its new LearnToLoveNature hub, which includes a suite of educational activities and ideas for pupils and their families. 
