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Madresfield C.E. Primary School

Psalm 119:105 "God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path".

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Emotional wellbeing - support for parents

Children and young people may be experiencing a variety of feelings in response to the COVID-19 outbreak such as anxiety, stress or low mood. It is important to understand that these are normal responses to an abnormal situation. Below are links to some useful support and guidance:


  • PHE’s guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
  • Every Mind Matters includes an online tool and email journey which aims to support everyone to feel more confident in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing. It also includes a section for parents and carers on looking after children and young people during the outbreak.
  • NHS England has published advice for children and young people who may be feeling overwhelmed, and advice for parents, guardians and carers on how to help and support a child or young person with mental ill health.
  • The British Psychological Society’s advice for parents and carers on dealing with school closures and talking to children about COVID-19.
  • The Government’s online educational resources for home education with a section on mental wellbeing.
  • Virtual Oak National Academy for reception – Year 10 pupils, which offers daily online lessons, a weekly assembly with a pastoral focus and extra-curricular activities to help families maintain a routine at home (intended to complement, not replace, existing schools’ online learning offers).
  • BBC Education online learning content, for reception to Year 10 pupils, to support home learning, with weekly wellbeing tips provided via their social media pages.
  • The Starline Support YouTube channel for home learning.


Virtual Festival of Wellbeing   Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June 2020

  • Talks and workshops run throughout the day. Attendees can drop into just one, a few or all depending on their chosen interest. Speakers include Jamie theakston, Steve Backshall and Helen Glover, 
  • This event is available to everyone.
  • Sign-up in advance so the organisers can gain an idea of numbers, joining details for each event will be sent once people sign up.
  • This is a free event. A JustGiving page has been set up for people to make an optional donation to Mind if they choose.
  • For more information go to or find us on Instagram @festivalofwellbeing
  • See below for the flyer and Programme.

Worcestershire Children First

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, some of the services provided by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust are working in different ways, and some have paused for the time being. They have produced a leaflet with information to help direct families, children and young people to services available to support them during this time. Alongside all the services
provided by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust the leaflet provides a helpful update on some changes that have happened to services recently.
Support available includes: Starting Well Partnership, Breastfeeding Support, Health Visitors, School Health Nurses, Special School Nurses, Parenting and Community Providers, Speech and Language Therapy, Community Paediatrics, Orchard Service, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.
In addition, the leaflet includes support available for Emotional Health and Wellbeing including: CAMHS, Kooth, Here2Help and Now We’re Talking for Healthy Minds Worcestershire.
You can access the Wellbeing Support Guide for Families, Children and Young People leaflet on their website here

Department for Education

The DfE has produced Guidance for Online science, PE, wellbeing and SEND resources for home education. Click here to access these resources.


This is a resource aimed at supporting and developing children's mental wellbeing, specially adapted to reflect the worrying times created by the coronavirus pandemic. Click on the document below to view the parent information sheet and here to access their website.

NSPCC resources 

Click here for NSPCC resources for parents and carers to support children and young people's mental health
