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Madresfield C.E. Primary School

Psalm 119:105 "God's word is a lamp to guide our feet and a light for our path".

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Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club - Larks

Our Breakfast Club is run by our own school staff and can offer a relaxed start to our school day.


Parents/Carers can book onto sessions by individual days, months or by full term through the Arbor Portal.


Children are offered a variety of breakfast options such as toast, cereals, yoghurts, crumpets and fruit juice (milk and water are also always available). 


The children are encouraged to play collaboratively with a selection of games or do drawing.


Currently Breakfast Club runs from 8am every day and costs £3.50 per session.  If you have any questions at all please contact Mrs Tomlinson in the school office - 01684 573620 or Mr Warren, Breakfast Club Leader.

After School Club - Doves


Our After School Club (Doves) is also run by school staff, this means that the children know the adults that are supervising them and allows a very ‘personal’ approach to every child’s needs.


Parents/Carers can book their children into sessions by paying in advance through the Arbor Portal.


The After School Club runs from the end of the school day to 5.30pm (Mon - Thurs) and until 4.30pm on a Friday. 


From 1st September 2024 - each session costs £12.50 (Mon-Thurs) and £6 on Fridays.  Doves have a variety of planned activities during the week such as computing, film night, outdoor time and arts & crafts.


The children will have toast, fruit and a drink provided. 


If you have any questions please contact Mrs Tomlinson in the school office - 01684 573620.

Wrap Around Care Policy 2024-25
